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    02 June 2024 Sunday

    Ukraine-Slovakia trade grows in 2013

    72 переглядів

    "Trade turnover between Ukraine and Slovakia has increased by 7.5% since January and now exceeds 900 million dollars. This figure looks inspiring, but it is still well below our countries' potential," Vice Premier Olexandr Vilkul said, meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday with Slovak Ambassador to Ukraine Pavol Hamzik.

    "Ukraine is consistently and steadily advancing toward the European Union. The signing of the association agreement with the EU in November will raise Ukraine to a new qualitative level of political and economic relations with EU member countries. The adoption and introduction of European standards and the removal of barriers to trade and investment between Ukraine and the EU will make Ukraine more attractive to foreign investors. We appreciate Slovakia's support for Ukraine on this path," Vilkul said. He noted the importance of increasing the logistical potential and transit capacities of Ukraine and Slovakia as the countries involved in the transport corridor between Russia and Western Europe. The Slovak Ambassador stated his country's interest in building a Moscow-Vienna broad-gauge railroad, saying: "We are interested in this and other large-scale infrastructure projects. They will open Ukraine to Europe and will facilitate the economic development of both Ukraine and Slovakia," Hamzik said. The Ukrainian Vice-Premier invited him and Slovak business leaders to the 5th International Investment Forum in Kyiv on the 5th to 8th of November.

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