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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Two minivans and a car were stopped for the check on the highway “Velyka Bigan – Kosyne”

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    105 переглядів

    There were 7 citizens of Syria inside the vehicles driven by Ukrainian citizens.

    The citizens of Ukraine transporting a big group of the citizens of Syria were apprehended in Transcarapathia by the border guards of BS “Kosyno” of Mukachevo Detachment together with the SSU officers.

    Two minivans and a car were stopped for the check on the highway “Velyka Bigan – Kosyne” in the frames of the program on detection and counteraction to illegal migrants’ movement with application of preliminary operative information. There were 7 citizens of Syria inside the vehicles driven by Ukrainian citizens.

    Later on, the staff of State Border Guard Service and Security Service of Ukraine in the town of Berehovo detained one more citizen of Ukraine probably concerned in this violation.

    For establishing the situation all citizens of Ukraine were handed to SSU, the citizens of Syria were delivered to Detention Centre after preparing administrative protocols until the court decision.

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