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Poroshenko nominates Yatseniuk for premier's post

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    190 переглядів

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during a meeting of his political force on October 30 asked to back up nomination of Arseniy Yatseniuk for the post of the country's future premier.

    "I proposed Block of Petro Poroshenko's faction to nominate Arseniy Yatseniuk for the post of prime minister," says president's official Twitter.

    The newly-elected Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada could hold its first meeting in the third decade of November, and it could take one week more to form a coalition and government, says Vitaliy Kovalchuk, the head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc's campaign staff.

    As Kovalchuk told journalists in Kyiv on October 30, the first meeting is likely to be held in the last third of November.The final results of the early parliamentary elections should be announced within the next few days, Kovalchuk said. "After that, we could start working productively," he said.

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